Joining the Luminary Community How do we effectively communicate about systems change initiatives in order to make them accessible, fundable and more impactful?
The 'so what' of complexity - Part III This post aims to capture some insights and resources which inform how we might approach change work differently than more linear 'cause and effect' planning-based efforts which have dominated the landscape of change work in the last 50 years or so.
The 'so what' of complexity - Part II In this fieldnote, I'm going to dive into the guiding principles for my complexity practice - including a focus on Portfolio Approaches, Learning and Funding.
Obscuring Complexity & Welcoming Trojan Mice How can we work in organisations that don't see complexxity, if we're committed to embracing complexity in our practice?
Changemaker Chat on The Changemakers Podcast How can we address the biodiversity crisis, the climate crisis, whilst also improving human & more-than-human wellbeing?
The 'so what' of complexity - Part I It's been the best part of 10 years I've been exploring and writing about complexity now - it's about time to capture some of the main learnings about the implications, rather than the substance.
Fieldnotes: Ethics In Lab Team Research The Lab environment, it may be their first exposure to engaging in collaborative, cross-disciplinary research and prototyping, thus we have a responsibility to make part of our container setting about exploring ethical considerations.